Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching

Sociocultural Linguistic Factors (CLD-1D)

This is the 4th lesson in the Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching continuing education certificate.

This lesson will critically examine the relationships between language, culture, and identity and how they influence language learning processes and outcomes for L2s. You will examine strategies designed to support students’ cultures, languages, and second language development and be challenged to integrate strategies that address student differences and promote intercultural communication into your own educational practice.

There are two books required for this lesson:

1. Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners: The Siop Model by Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, & Deborah Short

2. Between Worlds: Access to Second Language Acquisition by David E. Freeman & Yvonne S. Freeman
  • Sociocultural Linguistic Factors
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed