Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching

Second Language Acquisition Theories and Second Language Learners (CLD-1B)

This is the 2nd lesson in the Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching continuing education certificate.

In this lesson, you will explore the history and functional approach theories of second language acquisition (SLA) including: behavioral, developmental, cognitive, sociocultural, and constructivist learning, nativist theories. This session will introduce needed concepts and terminology such as “interlanguage,” “critical period,” and “linguistic universals.” You will demonstrate your emerging understanding of SLA and explore challenges in current SLA research and theory.

There are two books required for this lesson:

1. Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners: The Siop Model by Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, & Deborah Short

2. Between Worlds: Access to Second Language Acquisition by David E. Freeman & Yvonne S. Freeman
  • Second Language Acquisition Theories and Second Language Learners
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed