Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching – A Perspective on Language Learning (CLD-1A)
Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching
Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching – A Perspective on Language Learning (CLD-1A)
This is the 1st lesson in the Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching continuing education certificate. This lesson links theory to English Language Learners (ELLs) student experience in order to understand the challenges of learning a...
Second Language Acquisition Theories and Second Language Learners (CLD-1B)
Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching
Second Language Acquisition Theories and Second Language Learners (CLD-1B)
This is the 2nd lesson in the Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching continuing education certificate. In this lesson, you will explore the history and functional approach theories of second language acquisition (SLA) including:...
Classroom Instructional Principles and Practices That Enhance Social & Academic Language of L2 (CLD-1C)
Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching
Classroom Instructional Principles and Practices That Enhance Social & Academic Language of L2 (CLD-1C)
This is the 3rd lesson in the Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching continuing education certificate. This lesson focuses on second language learners’ (L2) social and academic language needs. You will investigate research and practice...
Sociocultural Linguistic Factors (CLD-1D)
Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching
Sociocultural Linguistic Factors (CLD-1D)
This is the 4th lesson in the Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching continuing education certificate. This lesson will critically examine the relationships between language, culture, and identity and how they influence language...
Theory to Practice or Cooperative Dialogue (CLD-1E)
Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching
Theory to Practice or Cooperative Dialogue (CLD-1E)
This is the 5th and final lesson for the Theories of Language, Learning, and Teaching continuing education certificate. This lesson expands on the preceding sessions to further consider language issues most important for teachers within...

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